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We attach particular attention to the respect of the privacy of Users’ visiting our website The following text determines the rules of the privacy policy adopted in order to protect data entrusted us by you.

The day of 25 May 2018 is the beginning of validity of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – hereinafter: RODO). RODO will be obligatory in the same scope in all the EU countries and thus also in Poland and it introduces a series of changes into the rules
of processing personal data that will affect many fields of human life, including also use of internet services, like among others the services of the Website (hereinafter referred to as „the Website”)


  1. The Administrator of personal data is IOW TRADE Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) with the seat in Warszawa, 8, Rzeczna St., 03-794 Warszawa, inscribed into the National Court Register
    at the District Court for the Capital City of Warszawa, XIIIth Economic Department of the National Court Register under No. KRS 0000033320, NIP: 9521873072, REGON: 017358978.

  2. This privacy policy was created for the website maintained by the Administrator under the address The website will be hereinafter referred also to as “the Website”.
  3. The Administrator takes special care in order to protect interest of persons concerned and,
    in particular, ensures that data collected by him are processed in conformity with the law: collected for determined purposes, allowed by law, and not subject to further processing not being
    in conformity with these purposes; substantially correct and adequate as regards the purposes for which they are processed and stored in the form enabling identification of the persons concerned
    no longer than it is necessary for achievement of the purpose of processing.


Kinds of processed data. Purposes and legal bases of personal data processing.

  1. While using the Website the Users will be requested to give his/her personal data as follows:
  2. a) address of e-mail;
  3. b) name and surname;
  4. c) contact phone;
  5. The above data will be given voluntarily, though they are necessary for sending email message, registration and for answering for the message.
  6. The Administrator processes personal data to identify the User who directs the content contained in the contact form on the Website and handling his inquiry sent by the shared form pursuant to art. 6 section 1 letter a) of RODORODO, that is, consent.
  7. The Administrator uses IP addresses collected during internet connection. These data may be used for analysis of movement on the Website in order to improve quality of offered services and they shall not be used for contacts with any of the Users in any way.


Information of recipients of personal data

  1. Your personal data may be entrusted to external subjects (companies) exclusively for the purposes connected with the conducting of the Website.
  2. The subjects processing personal data in our name may also be the subjects supplying cloud systems, advertising agencies, IT services and analytic tools providers, subjects performing electronic payment services, hosting companies or companies providing programs ensuring functionality of the Service performed by us.
  3. Your personal data shall always be transmitted using technical means ensuring safety of the transmitted information.
  4. Our databases containing your personal data are adequately protected against the insight
    of unauthorised persons as well as against changing or deleting of your personal data by unauthorised persons.
  5. In case of infringement of the rules of use of the Website or of the formal requirements resulting from the regulations in force, we may make your data available to the authorised state authorities.
  6. I do not intend to transfer your personal data to a third country or to third parties, free of charge and against payment.


Period of processing of personal data

  1. The period of processing of your data depends on the purpose of processing. As a rule, data are processed for the period necessary for execution of the agreement, by the time of withdrawal of the expressed consent or of the reporting of an effective objection against data processing in cases when the justified Administrator’s interest is the legal basis for processing.
  2. The criteria of determination of the period of processing of your data are as follows:
  3. a) if your consent is the basis for processing – the period of storing of personal data lasts until the purpose of processing comes to an end or until you withdraw consent for processing of your data;
  4. b) if the justified interest executed by the Administrator is the basis for processing – the period
    of processing of personal data depends on the circumstances showing the existence of the interest
    at the part of the Administrator;
  5. c) if the basis for processing is connected with the legal obligation binding for the Administrator – the period of storing of personal data results from the respective regulations in force obliging the Administrator to store data.
  6. The personal data processed in the scope of marketing activities are processed by the time
    of performing them by the Administrator or of expressing User’s objection against further processing of personal data for marketing purposes or revoking of consent for sending marketing information.


  2. The following rights vest in the User to be executed by e-mail
  3. a) Right of access to data – The User has the right to get information if the Administrator processes personal data concerning him/her and to get access to his/her personal data being at the Administrator’s disposal.
  4. b) Right to correct data – The User has the right to correct and supplement personal data given
    by him/herself.
  5. c) Right to delete data („Right to be forgotten”) – The User may demand deletion of his/her personal data, among others, if they are no more necessary for the purposes they were collected for.
  6. d) Right to limit processing – The User has the right to demand limitation of data processing, in such case they will be stored exclusively for the purpose of investigation and defence of claims.
  7. e) Right to transferability – The User has the right to receive his/her personal data in a structured, commonly used format suitable for machine (electronic) reading and transfer them to another subject if the data processing is based on consent or agreement and is made in an automated way.
  8. f) Right to objection – The User may raise objections against personal data processing basing on public interest or on the justified interest of the Party, including against profiling. In such case the Administrator shall stop data processing unless there exists important legally justified bases for processing or for investigation or defence of claims.
  9. g) Right to withdrawal of consent – The User has the right to withdraw consent for personal data processing if it is performed on the basis of consent.
  10. h) Right to submit complaint – The User has the right to submit complaint to the supervisory board – the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.


  2. Questions and reservations (objections) concerning this Privacy Policy may be addressed to the Administrator by e-mail under the address:
  3. According to the regulations in force the Administrator shall decide as to the application within 30 days.
  4. You may submit complaints, questions and conclusions concerning the processing of your personal data and execution of your rights.
  5. If you are of the opinion that your right to protection of personal data or other rights vesting in you by virtue of RODO has been infringed, you have the right to submit complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.


  2. The Website does not collect automatically any information, except for information contains
    in cookies files.
  3. The cookies files are the information data, in particular text files, stored in the end equipment of the Website User and they are intended for using the Website. Usually, cookies files contain name of the website of their origin, time of storing them in the end equipment and unique number.
  4. Cookies files are used for the purpose of:
  5. a) adjusting (tailoring) of the Website content to the User’s preferences and to the optimisation of use of websites; in particular, these files allow for identification of the equipment of the Website User and for display of the website adjusted to his/her individual needs;
  6. b) composing statistics that help to understand how the Website Users use the websites what enables improvement of their structure and contents;
  7. c) maintaining Website User’s session (after logging in) thanks to which the User does not need
    to repeat login and password again in each sub-site.
  8. Within the Website of the Administrator the following kinds of cookies files may be applicable:
  9. a) „indispensable” cookies files, enabling use of services available within the Website, e.g. authorising cookies files used for services needing authorisation within the service;
  10. b) cookies files ensuring safety, e.g. used for disclosing abuses (overuses) in the scope of authorisation within the Website;
  11. c) cookies files, enabling collecting information about the way of use of the Website;
  12. d) „functional” cookies files, enabling „memorising” of the settings selected by the User and personalisation of the User’s interface, e.g. in the scope of selected language or region of origin of the User, font size, Website graphic, etc.;
  13. e) „advertising” cookies files, enabling delivery to the Users of advertising contents better adjusted
    to their interest.
  14. In many case the software (program) for internet browsing allows for storing cookies files in the user’s end equipment by default. The users may change, at any time, settings concerning cookies files. These settings may be changed, in particular in such a way, as to block automatically the service
    of cookies files in the settings of internet browser or inform about each case of placing in the end equipment of the internet service user. The detailed information about the possibilities and ways
    of servicing of cookies files are available in settings of the programs (of an internet browser).
    No changes in the settings as regards cookies means that they will be placed in the user’s end equipment and thus we will store information in the user’s end equipment and get access to this information.



The privacy policy is verified on a current basis and updated, if necessary.


Contact informations:

tel.: +48 22 512 56 60
Hydraulics: +48 533 623 521
Filtration: +48 530 410 000
Industrial drives: +48 601 847 957
Driveshafts: +48 76 754 55 17

Address data:

ul. Rzeczna 8
03-794 Warszawa

Kochlice, ul. Lubińska 1c
59-222 Miłkowice